Monday, October 5, 2009

hannah montana...

there is nothing like the first phone call of the day being the ex in his best eeyore voice "hi" um...hi? i do it...i ask "how are you today?" i know i shouldn't have fallen into the trap but, well, i am nice, i can't help it. needless to say it wasn't the most uplifting and exciting conversation - well atleast not for him - i can't help but find it humorous. the point of the call...i know you are dying to inform me that he isn't gonig to offer the hannah montana/miley cyrus tickets he has, for tuesday night, to her and the daughter...that's it i say - stay strong. he wants to know what to say if she asks about them, my advice: tell her 1) F*CK you 2) are you on crack 3) um NO! i explain that all three are acceptable responses. i crack up he isn't making a sound...ok, not the best advice but what the hell am i supposed to say...really? well the conversation ended soon after that!
tonight was highly friend is over to cook dinner and make cheesecake - tanner had to stay home today because she was sick...right...she wanted to stay home to see our 'guest' that's what she we are sitting at dinner and she calls her dad...she HAS to know what the big plans are for tuesday night...he tells her hannah montana - "oh" - seriously this kid has the best life ever - she has seen so many concerts that the experience is lost on her. She realizes that her dad is upset that she isn't excited..."great dad! thanks!" hell, she is trying to cheer up eeyore...give the kid a break. she walks into the living one is talking...silence...until i hear....crackling - yep, tanner is making a crackling noise and then said " i think we are breaking up, I can't hear you" i have to tell you i laughed, and laughed of course she kept doing it...funny to us, not so funny to him. i am not sure what was more depressing to him, his daughter crackling to get off the phone with her dad or the fact that she used the phrase 'breaking up" when the girlfriend 'broke up' with him every day last week.
i know I should have said something to tanner...
but you can't make this sh*t up!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ex-Wife of the Year...2009

it's amazing what i do for my ex. he called one day stuck on the side of the road - blew out his tire - and YEP i went to pick him up. today has to put me in the running for ex-wife of the year. i received a text at 9am while he was in i call and he proceeds to talk to me for 45 minutes about...ready...his girlfriend issues...really!
now a little back story: my ex and this girl have had a 'close' friendship for about 2 years. actually, she was my friend too! i suspected (and it's never been verified) that it was more than a friendship. just too many phone calls, emails, texts and not just during the week - on weekends and well, when he and i were in scotland... a little too much - but that's just my opinion anyway i filed for divorce last october 08. she filed in december 08.
so back to today: he wants to talk about how it's over between them and to ask if her critisims of him were valid..i guess your ex-wife would be the one to ask...right? i hear about the 'dear john' text message (his words) and how he kept calling to talk to her to get her back. i heard about how cold she can be and he was doing everything he could to make her sweet. he goes on about how upset he is and how he can't possibly go into work tomorrow (oh, i forgot to mention, they work together). he will be able to hear her voice, her laugh through the walls and he just can't handle that. he asks for the number of my therapist...i suggested 911. he ends the conversation with "thanks, i know that you didn't have to listen - i appreciate it" well, God, I should hope so...
so he comes over to pick up our daughter for was supposed to be his weekend but he had a work trip to mexico. he walks in and starts about the text messages that were sent today - and how he has deleted all the calender events in his blackberry so the reminders wouldn't pop up and depress him more. i suggest a cat.
personally, i think they are both nuts...she is a cold hearted woman who thinks he is a prize...well she did and then she didn't and if i heard him correctly, she thinks he is a prize again...i'm so confused...and someone from work, hiding the relationship and her car in the garage, denying they were friends yet spending the entire summer with her, her daughter and our daughter...(that's another post).
so i am not sure where they stand...honestly - i don't care. i am sure it's wrong that i find this all very amusing...watching my ex date and then ask my opinion...who does that?! in a way, i hope this isn't's keeping my mind off my dating disasters (again, another post) and reminds me why i divorced him in the first place.
i mean, you can't make this SH*T up!


Welcome to my blog...I will post stories of my life on here from time to time...and maybe many times a day! Yep, my life is that exciting...or sad...not sure which?!

I hope you get a little joy out of my stories...feel free to comment and tell your stories...

and again, these are MY stories...MY interpretations of them...and all the details may not be 100% accurate...I tend to add my humorous opinions into them...

